History of the department of biomedical engineering, computer science and Biophysics.
In 1931, when the Medical Institute was established, the Department of Physics was established. Its management was entrusted to the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Honored Scientist, famous scientist and educator Venedikt Nikolaevich Mikhalkov (1888-1962). He graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University in 1912, author of a number of scientific papers, and from 1924 worked at the Central Asian State University. In 1953 he received the title of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
In 1941-1944, the department was headed by MS Eigenson. In 1944-1962, the head of the department was again assigned to VN Mikhalkov. During VN Mikhalkov’s activity at the department he had assistants SS Rumi, KG Trofimov, M.A Tikhoboev.
During these years in the department S.S. Rumiy, S.D. Yuldashev, T.A. Adjimollaev, H.K. The Kadyrovs have made a significant contribution to the delivery of future medical personnel.
In 1962-1971, the department was headed by Said Sadadinovich Rumi (1910-1971). He graduated from the Central Asian State University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, from 1936 to 1938 he worked as Deputy Director for Student Affairs of the Medical Institute, and from 1944 to 1966 as Head of the Department of Education.
At the request of the leadership of the institute, textbooks on practical and theoretical courses were translated from Russian into Uzbek. Lixer’s “Physics course for physicians and biologists”, published in 1934 by S.A. Rumi, “Physics course for medical students” by S.A.Arrsibishev , reprinted in 1960 editions with translator additions.
In 2005, N.A. Remizov’s textbook “Medical and Biological Physics” was published in Uzbek in Latin and Cyrillic scripts, textbooks for students of medical schools on biophysics, medical engineering and computer science and information technology were created. Standard and working programs on the subjects taught at the department have been developed.
In 1971, the department continued its activities under the leadership of Sayran Jalilovich Yuldashev (born in 1939). He graduated from the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute in 1963, defended his PhD in 1970 and his doctoral dissertation in 1994. Author of more than 100 scientific papers. In 1977, the Department of Biophysics was separated from the Department of Physics and headed by Professor Tohir Abdullaevich Adjimollaev.
In 1971, the Department continued to work under the guidance of Sayran Dzhalilovich Yoldashev (p. 1939). He graduated from the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute in 1963. In 1970 he defended his thesis, and in 1994 – a doctorate. Author of over 100 scientific articles about magnetic field, laser radiation and the study of hypertrophic processes under the action of ultrasound. In 1977, the Department of Biophysics, separated from the Department of Physics and she became head Taкhir Abdullaevich Adzhimollaev (b. 1933).
In the years 1978-1990 the department was headed H.K Kadyrov (1931-2012). He graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Central Asian State University in 1956. In 1960 he defended his PhD in 1977 year doctorate. Author of over 150 scientific articles on biological and cyber solutions to problems in the field of medicine. A special role is played by the members of the senior teacher L.M Nikiforov and assistant G.P Resnick.
In 1982 was organized by the Department of Medical and Biological Physics. At its head H.K.Kadyrov. He organized a scientific work on the automatic control system in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. And to this day, is conducting research in collaboration with a number of clinical departments and their results are used in the educational process.
In 1990, Tashkent State Medical Institute was divided into two agencies: the 1- and 2- Tashkent State Medical Institute. Department of Medical and Biological Physics 1- Tashkent State Medical Institute was headed S.Zh.Yuldashev.On worked until 2005. At that time worked at the department: I.T Lecturers Turgunov H.DRahimova, Sh.Tashpulatov, D.C Isamuhamedova, Senior Lecturer F.B Nurmatova, assistants K.K Karimov A . Dulyanova, I.E Shaimanov. Department of Medical and Biological Physics 2- Tashkent State Medical Institute was headed by F.M Talipov (born 1955), and in 1999-2005 Professor Nasir Muhamedzhanovich Yoldashev (born 1956). Associate Professor of Department I.M Mullazhanov, U.I Ikramov, Senior Lecturer N.Mastibekov, E.Y Ermetov assistants Juraeva N.R, M.K Nishantaev, S.I Ermetova, F.D Fazilova,Y Tulyaganova, F.S Tukhtakhodjaeva.
In 1993-1994 sc.y at the Department organized the course “Computer science and information technology,” and associate professor of I.T Turgunov was nominated responsibility. In 1999-2000 department began teaching a new course “Medical technology and new medical technologies”
The Tashkent Medical Academy was founded in 2005 by the order president of the president of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. The chair of “Biophysics and informatics” was founded on the base of two chairs of medical and biological physics of two institutes. Professor S.J. was working as the Head of the chair. He was working till 2011 year. There are teachers I. T. Turgunov, X. D. Rakhimova, I. M. Mullajanov, U. I. Ikramov, senior teachers N. Mastibekov, E.Y. Ermetov, F.B. Nurmatova, M. M. Kosimov, Sh. X. Abduganieva, M. K. Nishantaev, assistants G. R. Mirzaaxmedova, A. F. Islomov, I. E. Shaymanov, F. D. Fozilova, I. N. Tulaganova, F.Sh. Tuxtajaeva were working in the chair in that period.
In 2010 year chair was divided and connected with the chair of “Biology and bioinorganic chemistry” and was named “Bioorganic, biological chemistry, biophysics and informatics”. In 2010-2012 years professors Rixsi Ibroximovna Sabirova(1948 y) and Abdugofur Axatovich Xajimetov ( 1948) were working as the Head of the chair.
In 2012 year courses of biophysics, informatics and normal physiology joined in the two territories of Tashkent Medical Academy and was founded a new chair – “Informatics, Biophysics and normal physiology” . X. K. Samarov (1958 y.) became Head of the chair. He graduated Tashkent Polytechnic Institute in ( 1980 y. ). He is candidate of technical sciences and author of 40 scientific works.
Axror Nigmatovich Daniyarov (1938 y. ) – doctor of medical sciences, professor. In 1963-1990 year he was laborant of the chair of normal physiology, postgraduate, senior teacher. In 1970 year protected dissertation of candidate, worked as a lecturer. In 1977 protected dissertation of doctor. In 1990-2005 years he was working as the Head of the chair of normal physiology in 2-TMA. Author of more than 100 sciences works about circulation, digestion, change of substance and pedagogic. In addition to he is author 12 rational supplies. In 1970 he was working as the deputy of dean of the work with foreigner. In 1998 – 2005 year was dean of medico-pedagogical faculty.
Oysha Turaevna Alaviya (1943 y) – physiologist, candidate of medical science, lecturer. In 1971 year protected dissertation of candidate. Author of more than 150 scientific works about questions of rational supplies.
Ikramov Usman (1946 y)- physicist, from 1969 year worked in Medical Institute as the assistant, senior teacher. Now he is working as the lecturer. Several years worked in inner inspectorate of 2- TMA, was deputy of dean of medico-prophylactic faculty. He protected dissertation of candidate on the “Several questions optimal handing with discrete processes” theme
Islam Mullajanov- physicist, lecturer, candidate of physic-mathematic sciences. He protected dissertation of candidate in MGU of Lomonosov on the Acoustic relaxation and wide properties of solution waterway of potassium phosphate” theme.
In 1985 year he with professor S. D. Yuldashev and X. J. Rakhimova translated from Uzbek into Latin graphics A. N. Remizov’s textbook “Medical and biological physics”.
Hakima Juraevna Rakhimova (1943 y.) – physicist, in 1963 year graduated University, in 1982 year protected dissertation of candidate. She was working from 1984 till 2014 years in that chair. She is author of more than 18 scientific- methodical works for the medical students.
In 1983, under the leadership of K. A Zufarov defended his PhD thesis on “Quantitative Analysis and electrochemiluminescent compensatory hypertrophy of the kidney.” During training and research activities, he became the author of more than 90 educational publications, educational programs and scientific articles. He is the author of more than 30 innovations in histology and biophysics. His current scientific and pedagogical research focuses on quality training of future professionals who attend medical schools, colleges and academic lyceums.
On 2012-2014 years in department worked professor A.N.Daniarov, docents I.T.Turgunboev,X.D.Raximova, I.Mullajonov, U. Ikromov, O.T.Alavia, V.I.Yakovenko, S.Z.Saidalikhodjaeva, elder teachers N.Mastibekov, E.Ya.Ermetov, F.B.Nurmatova,M.M.Qosimov, Sh.H. Abduganieva, D.M. Ergasheva, S.Gulomova, M.I.Bozorboev, A.Madjidov, assistants G.R.Mirzaahmedova, A.F.Islomov, I.E.Shaymanov, F.D.Fozilova, I.N.Tolaganov, F.Sh.Tohtakhodjaev, N.Khodjaeva, B.B.Muhamadaminov, Z.Qodirova, Q.Qosimova, M.Yusupova, A.Beloborodov, U.M.Abdujabborova, D.I.Sayfullayev, A.Z.Sobirjonov, K.Latipova, I.Sh.Saidnazarova.
On 2014 year candidation of physical-mathematical science Bazarboev Murodali Irisalievich (was born 1974) became head of the chair. On 1996 year
he graduated physical faculty of Tashkent State University. He is the author of numerous scientific works on information technology.
The staff of the department wrote and published several books and manuals on informatics, biophysics, general and medical radiobiology, medical electronics.
More than 150 articles and abstracts have been written by the staff of the department, articles are regularly published in foreign journals on the SCOPUS platform. Systematic cooperation is being carried out with the departments of medical institutes of the CIS countries.
The department cooperates with the Department of Exact Sciences of the Academic Lyceum at TMA. This activity is aimed at the education and professional training of future specialists.
In 2021, the department was renamed the Department of “Biomedical engineering, computer science and biophysics” and the main priority of the department’s activity is the training of medical personnel in the field of biomedical engineering. New subjects corresponding to this direction are being introduced, new textbooks are being prepared for publication.
A friendly and creative team has formed at the department, headed by experienced leaders who look to the future with optimism. Employees of the department, along with scientific activities, take part in all events held by the Tashkent Medical Academy. The number one task for the department is to train highly qualified personnel in the field of biophysics and biomedical engineering, who will work in the field of medicine.