Sobirjonov Abdusamad Zoxidovich

Assistant of the Department of Informatics and Biophysics

Address: 100109, Tashkent, ul. Farabi, 2.

Phone : +998 71 214-86-65, Internal phone .: 147
Fax : +998 71 214-86-65
e- mail : abdusamad . sobirjonov @ tma . uz




  • 1997-2001 – student of Tashkent Pedagogical University named after Nizami
  • 2001-2003 – Master of the National University of Uzbekistan


  • 2003-2013 – Teacher of Tashkent Banking College
  • 2013-2017 – Assistant of the Department of Informatics, Biophysics and Normal Physiology of the Tashkent Medical Academy
  • 2017 – Assistant of the Department “Informatics and Biophysics” Tashkent Medical Academy

 The main practical direction

  • Conducting practical classes for students of the 1-course of the Tashkent Medical Academy in the subjects “Biophysics”, “Medical Engineering”, “Medical Electronics”, “General Physics”.
  • Responsible for scientific work at the department.

·         Responsible for the work of the circles and for classes with talented students at the department.

Scientific direction :

·         “Development and implementation of a single integrated educational and methodological basis for the profiled teaching of the course of physics in medical colleges and lyceums”