Fayzieva Nodira

Assistant of the Department of Informatics and Biophysics

Address: 100109, Tashkent, ul. Farabi, 2.

Phone : +998 71 214-86-65, Internal phone .: 147
Fax : +998 71 214-86-65
e- mailnodira.fayziyeva@tma.uz



  • 2008-2012 – student of the National University of Uzbekistan, Biological Faculty
  • 2012-2014 – student of the National University of Uzbekistan of the Faculty of Physics (magistracy)


  • 1999-2002. – Tashkent State 2-Medical Institute, 1-clinic, “Children’s cardio-rheuma-nephrologic ” department, nurse
  • 2002-2003 . – 69-preschool educational institution of the Yakkasaray district of Tashkent city, senior nurse
  • 2004-2011 . – 310- specialized economic school-lyceum, teacher
  • 2013-2015. – Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Head of the Cabinet
  • 2015-2016 . – Institute of “Bioorganic Chemistry” of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, junior researcher
  • – Department of Informatics and Biophysics of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Assistant

 The main practical direction

  • Conducting practical classes for students of the 1-course of the Tashkent Medical Academy in the subjects “Biophysics”, “Medical Engineering”

 Scientific direction :

·         “Development and implementation of a single integrated educational and methodological basis for the profiled physics course in medical colleges and lyceums”